By Dave and Mary

Front Lawn Landscaping Ideas

For Your Front Porch and Yard

Use some or all of our front lawn landscaping ideas around your front porch and yard. We were not happy with our previous landscaping and decided to make some changes.

Mary and I wanted to create a cottage-style flower garden and a solid color background against our porch for year-round color.

We did a makeover on our front porch landscaping.
We love our fresh new landscaping compared to what we previously had!
Like almost all landscaping projects, there are difficulties you must overcome.

We had a few which we will share below along with a plant guide which we always find most helpful.

front porch landscaping with pea gravel walkway
Before: our old landscaping just after winter (sad!)

Obstacles in Our Way

We had two major issues to overcome or resolve for our landscaping.

Water and Clay

Our soil is clay and our yard is fairly flat. Water drainage is a problem and have we've lost several plants because they've had too much water. The other was rocks - lots of them (and big too)!

To resolve the water issue, we chose more ground cover type plants to place in front (where we have more of a water issue). These plants normally have more shallow root systems and should do well.

We also dug out a lot of the clay and replaced it with a combination of garden soil, top soil, and compost mix.

Raised beds are another option if you have a similar issue with water.

Rock City

We have lots of rocks. I encountered a Goliath of a rock when I dug the last hole for the holly (it's always the last one that gets you).

There was no way (other than a raised platform) I could plant that holly where I needed it unless I removed the rock.

Suffice to say, after pounding on it and digging around it I resorted to drilling three holes about six-inches deep into the rock with a hammer drill and bit.

One hit with a sledge and I was able to crack it into two pieces which I was then able to extract. Where there's a will, there's a way!

rocks stacked on top of each other in landscaping
Use rocks for interest
Placing rocks strategically in your landscaping, rocks can add interest to the overall appeal. Fortunately, we have access to many rocks and would be glad to give some to you if you lived nearby.

Video: Our Porch Landscaping Makeover

Plant Guide

Porch Foundation Plants

The shrubs next to the porch foundation were not aesthetically pleasing as the only foliage was at the tops. We needed something with a fuller look.

original landscaping with undesirable shrubs
Original landscaping with undesirable shrubbery
We transplanted the original shrubs to the backyard and replaced them with a mix of soft-tough compact hollies and boxwoods. Both can be shaped easily and maintained at the height we needed (about 2-3 feet tall).

soft-touch compact hollies and boxwoods
New landscaping with soft-touch hollies and boxwoods
The combination of hollies and boxwoods offer different colors and textures. You may choose to use only one or the other.

Let's Talk Azaleas

Our azaleas did very well the first year; however, not so good after that. We experienced a colder winter and not enough drainage. That combination took its toll on the plants.

azaleas in poor condition
Our azaleas have seen better days
We removed two of the four and transplanted one to the back yard and one to the side of the porch. Of the two that are remaining, one is doing very well and the other is about to bloom although it has seen better days.

We will transplant it after it blooms and replace it with other more compatible plants.

Front Lawn Landscaping Ideas - Plant Directory

planting flowers in landscape
Getting my hands dirty
We try to use a variety of perennials in predominately pinks and blues. You will want to choose a color scheme that fits your home and personal preferences. Here's our landscape plant guide:

dahlias added to our landscaping
Blooming dahlias

cheddar pinks in our landscaping
Cheddar Pinks - Dianthus Hybrid

blue lithordora flowers

vinca flower
***z-inside-content.shtml** Merleau™ Blue Salvia plant
Merleau ™ Blue Salvia

barberry plant
Barberry Plants

garden phlox
Dwarf Garden Phlox

dark goura plant
Dark Goura

beautiful hibiscus plant

furman's red autumn sage plant
Furman's Red Autumn Sage

pentas plant

soft compact holly plant
Soft Compact Holly

penstemon plant

green velvet boxwood plant
Green Velvet Boxwood

mandevilla in purple pot on front porch
Mandevilla on Porch

New Front Lawn Landscaping Ideas Project

We are anxious to watch our new landscaping blossom. We believe it will definitely enhance the beauty of our front porch.

cottage garden landscaping in front of porch
Our new cottage-style front porch landscaping

front view of new front porch landscaping
Our new porch flower garden

View of new front porch landscaping around the side of our home
Our garden follows the curve of our new walkway

Porch Lawn Landscaping Ideas - Cottage Style DIY Walkway

pea gravel walkway in front of landscaping We constructed our cottage-style walkway using crushed stone and pea gravel. Crushed stone works really well as it compacts and drains nicely. We covered it with a thin layer of pea gravel.

Often times, folks use too much pea gravel which makes it more difficult on which to walk.

A thin layer will give you the look you want without feeling like you are walking in sand.

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Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches. You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.

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Mary and Dave, Founders of Front Porch Ideas and More
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