By Dave and Mary
Media Kit
For Front Porch Ideas and MoreOur website, is a haven of information all about porches - from design and construction to decorating, landscaping and entertaining.
Mary and I created this site out of our love for front porches and this has grown into a business that has allowed both of us to leave the corporate world to work from home.
Springtime on the porch
Why porches? Our love of porches began as kids. I fondly remember my big front porch on Greenfield Street and Mary remembers times on the porch swing with her Grandma in Fremont, Ohio.
Like most people, we are drawn to neighborhoods with front porches and we are like kids in a candy shop when we travel around the country looking for wonderful porches.
Porches are instrumental in creating a sense of community, and at one time they were a key location for conducting business and disseminating important information.
But best of all, porches are truly memory makers - where children eat cookies on porch steps and neighbors chat about their gardens and their kids. Entire new communities are being built around porch-friendly neighborhoods where kids ride their bikes on meandering sidewalks.
Mary and I travel across the U.S. to find porch ideas and to take porch pictures to share with our over 1.2 million site visitors this past year.
"Love, love, love, your site, I sometimes sit up till 2:00 a.m. or 3: a.m. looking at your website of front porches!" Bonita W.
"Thank you Dave and Mary for such a great site. I am so inspired! I have a wrap around porch. I haven't even looked through the whole site yet and I am in love. I love porches!" Pati R.
FeaturedMary and I are grateful to have been featured in publications, newspapers, blogs, websites, press releases and national television.
Solo Build It Blog and Newsletter
Featured as a Couple in Business Together
Our Host, Sitesell, featured couples in business together, including us! We'd love for you to glance at it if you'd like to know a bit more about how we started, how we work together, the challenges we face and more. view the entire article, which also features several other couples, right here
How to Make a Living Blogging
Honored that our host, Solo Build It, featured us in their newsletter
A more detailed article about our story
Country Sampler Magazine (Holiday Homes Edition)In the Holiday Homes edition of Country Sampler Magazine (2018), we are delighted to be featured for our idea on using fresh green pine greenery to make a very simple yet festive decoration for our porch.
We are delighted to have our fresh greenery idea featured in this issue of Country Sampler Magazine
This is our articlePlease stop by to see more ideas for making Christmas presents on our site here.
Miami HeraldIn the Home Section of the Miami Herald, we are featured experts in an article about how front porches are an alternative to backyard living.
AGS Stainless We were honored to be featured on the AGS Stainless blog tell the story of how our website was born.
Leisa Collins Art
Dave and I visited watercolor artist Leisa Collins and her husband at their South Pasadena Home to not only see her beautiful custom house portraits, but also to visit craftsman homes in their neighborhood.
Associated Press Dave shared tips on using exterior trim on your home in the Associated Press. The link ( is no longer active.
This porch belongs to Lynn Zawie whom we featured on our site.
Inspired Home Omaha
We were interviewed about the value of a sleeping porch in Inspired Home Omaha.
On National TelevisionDave and I are so appreciative to be featured on a major TV network as Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs.
The video can be seen on the Fox News website
In the Tennessean
The kitchen table where our site was born. Photo by Larry McCormack of The Tennessean
Google's Economic ReportWe were the featured company for the State of TN in Google's Economic Impact Report.
On Blog Talk Radio
We were featured on Scott Nelson's BlogTalkRadio show where we talked all about front porches. You can Listen to this radio show here.
Scott is a Realtor/IT Manager and Relocation Director for Wolfson Cutler Real Estate in Medford, Massachusetts.
Living the Country Life Radio We were featured on Living the Country Life Radio. We talked about sleeping porches. You can hear the short snippet.
Lynn Terry's Clicknewz
Featured on Lynn Terry's Clicknewz site - Going from Passion to Profit
Fun Facts about Front Porch Ideas and More
- We have over 700 pages of fun informational porch related pages.
- We have, on a regular basis, been on the first page of Google for over 2800 keywords according to Google Webmaster Tools and have been found, on average, for well over 51,000 keywords according to
- Our site ranks in the top 0.5% of all websites on the Internet according to
- We had over 1.2 million site visitors with 4 million page views according to Google Analytics. Our traffic is strong and highly targeted throughout the year.
- Although we have worldwide readership, our site appeals mostly to higher-income females ages 35 - 64 (according to
Speaking Opportunities
Mary and I love to share not only our story of creating a successful internet business as a married couple but also how you can create a porch of your dreams, use it to help sell your home, and lots more.
Contact us if you'd like us to participate in a podcast, teleseminar, radio, live speaking event, or other speaking engagement.
Here's a synopsis of our more popular subjects and we are willing to add other porch related or online business subjects to fit your audience.
Maximize the Power of Your PorchPorches have made a comeback; entire communities have been built around the front porch. A porch gives people a sense of belonging and is a place where memories are made.
 Your porch is the first thing people see on your home; make it not only curb appealing but comfortable as well.
Doing so not only makes it an inviting outdoor space but also can help sell your home too. We share ideas and techniques you can use to create your perfect outdoor space.
Create an Appealing Outdoor Space We have ideas you can use to create the perfect porch, whether building a new one or remodeling your existing porch.
We cover everything from the foundation to the roof with ideas you may not have previously considered.
We'll show you ways to furnish, decorate, and landscape your porch too.
Create a Privacy Porch Who doesn't like a little privacy now and then? We share ideas of how you can create a private space for entertaining or just relaxing with your nook (or favorite book).
Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs - We Do It In Our Jammies We started with an idea and one web page. Within 18 months we were able to leave behind corporate day jobs. Then we were featured on national television. Working from our kitchen table we created a business that receives over 1.2 million visitors a year.
We show you what it takes and how you too, can create an online business of your own.
Working Together as a Married Couple We are often asked how we are able to work together as a couple. We share "secrets" to our success along with tips and ideas you can use to work with your spouse or partner.
Photo credit: Larry McCormack of The Tennessean
Bio for Mary and Dave Morris
Mary and Dave Morris are the creators of, an informational website about porches. They have been featured in several publications, selected to represent Tennessee in Google's Economic Impact Report, and featured on national television as kitchen table entrepreneurs.
 Mary spent much of her working life in the insurance industry and state government. She also created two businesses: a professional calligraphy firm and a computer consulting service. She enjoys sewing, power walking, piano playing and most of all, playing with her grandchildren.
Dave, a 20-year US Air Force veteran, was also an educator and logistics analyst for two major corporations. He is an avid woodworker, home DIYer and is always at home in the great outdoors whether he is fishing, hiking or canoeing.
Mary and Dave are asked to speak about working as a couple and sharing their story of leaving the corporate world to live the lifestyle they really wanted. High school sweethearts and grandparents to seven grandchildren, Dave and Mary reside in the Nashville, TN area.
Want more information? Contact us.
Victorian Front Porch
Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches.
You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.
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