By Dave and Mary

Winter Decorating Ideas for Your Porch

Enjoy the Beauty of Winter!

Winter decorating ideas can be simple and easy, yet we overlook winter decorations more than any other time of the year. Why? Because it is the time of the year when many of us get the winter blahs.

snowy winter front porch
A happy snowman on the porch to greet guests
I love winter decorations because they keep my spirits high in the winter and they lift the spirit of friends and neighbors, too!

How to Transform Your Christmas Porch for Winter

Our Christmas porch - cabin style
Our Christmas porch
After Christmas we wanted to keep our porch decorated, but not in a holiday style. We planned for this, so it was easy.

All we did was remove the sweet Christmas tree, we took off the mantle lights and the greenery (although we could have kept both perhaps). But voila! As you can see in the picture below, we now have just a cozy winter porch.

This will last us through January and perhaps part of February too.

Our winter porch for 2020
Our cozy winter porch - easily transformed from our Christmas porch
When you decorate and want to get the most out of it, just think of how to layer your porch so that ever after a holiday, it still fits in with just a few elements removed.

Add a Few Pops of Color to Your Winter Porch

Winter beauty - snowy porch decorated lovely
Our January porch
Winter porches don't need to be blah. We added a few pops of color with a quick painting I did to hang on the wall between the rockers and some zany pillow toppers.

Winter beauty - snowy porch decorated lovely

Here you can see the other pillow topper. I used coordinating fabrics that are kind of fresh and snappy for the winter scene.

Winter is exquisitely beautiful as shown in the picture below.

Winter beauty - snowy porch decorated lovely
An enchanting winter porch scene indeed

Winter beauty - snowy porch scene with ice skates and old sled

Isn't this a wonderful way to decorate for winter? Beautiful white ice skates, old-fashioned sled and vintage style birdhouse.

Winter beauty - snowy porch decorated with a vignette of birdhouses
The other side of the porch is decorated with a vignette of beautiful white bird houses

Video: Love Snowy Winter Scenes?

When Dave and I lived in Alaska for 6 years in the 1980's, we found out that cabin fever is a real condition. Not just an expression. So, this winter, even if it is too cold to spend time on your porch, resolve that you will take a little time to give your porch a winter face lift.

Winter beauty
Photo courtesy of Dee at Farmhouse Country Style

Transition Christmas to Winter with a Snowflake Theme

Festive and cheery snowflake fleece winter porch
For a more timeless porch in the winter, try our snowflake theme
We wanted a cozy holiday porch so fleece came to mind right away. And then we found the wooden snowflakes and that is how our snowflake fleece winter porch was born.

The combination of blue and green plaid fleece combined with a cheery red solid fleece makes our porch bright and cheerful - without a lot of fuss.

Soft fleece in plaid and red plus a few wooden snowflakes
The materials we used - plus some fresh greenery
A few yards of soft fleece and a few wooden snowflakes - all purchased on sale. We purchased enough fleece to wrap around our chair cushions and our pillows. No sewing, no fuss.

Because we had two rocking chairs and 1 porch swing cushion, I purchased a yard of fleece for each. I also purchased a yard of fleece for the red pillows (but could have used a bit more).

Close-up of our snowflake front porch
We like our Christmas porch and hope it inspires you!
We simply wrapped our chair cushions and pillows with fleece and pinned them on the back - like wrapping a present.

So simple. I did this in a very short time one morning.

Snowflake front porch
Close-up of our snowflake porch
Not everything is new. The fireplace we use every year. It provides a pretty glow between the rocking chairs and we operate it on a timer with the lamp. We also added some fresh greenery here and there, too.

Dave added the logs beside the fireplace. Nice touch.

Close-up of our fleece-covered pillow with snowflake attached
Snuggly snowflake pillow
A close-up of the fleece-covered pillow with the snowflake attached. We already had some wide wired ribbon that we simply wove through the snowflake and tied it around to the back of the pillow.

Joy winter wallhanging hangs between the shutters on our front porch
We purchased this Joy wall hanging
To keep it from flapping around in the wind, Dave took a dowel and wedged it between our shutters, holding the wall hanging firmly down. He painted part of the dowel black to blend in with the wall hanging. Works like a charm.

Watch Our Snowflake Porch Video

Mary gives a tour of our snowflake porch

Fresh greenery and red bows dress up our front door
Our front door is festive too.
We got free fresh greenery at The Home Depot parking lot where they sell Christmas trees.

They have a large bin of free tree trimmings (great for other winter decorating ideas too) so they came in handy for our front door, porch railings and even some inside. A fresh touch and very fragrant too.

Our porch swing cushion is also covered with snuggly fleece.
We carried the theme to our porch swing, too
I wrapped the porch swing with fleece, too.

I didn't remember to get enough fleece for the pillow on the swing but went to my fabric bin and found this blue fabric. It looks just fine with the snowflake tied to it.

Festive and cheery snowflake fleece winter porch

Hope you enjoyed seeing our Snowflake Fleece Winter Porch and winter decorating ideas.

Our Snowman Winter Porch

snowman porch
Our snowman front porch was fun to create
This year we love our cute snowman porch; it started out as our Christmas porch.

After taking down the small Christmas tree, we can now enjoy these snowmen for the winter months. We have more pictures and a video to tell you how.

Winter Decorating Ideas for
Warmth and Welcoming Power

  • First, put away the pumpkins, leaf garlands, scarecrows and decorations reminiscent of harvest time to make way for fresh new winter decorations.
  • We think it is a nice idea to put away your holiday decorations after the New Year rolls around. While some holiday decorations still work in January like evergreen wreaths with red bows, you don't want your neighbors wondering when you're going to take down Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.
  • When it comes to winter decorating try using bolder colors. Instead of the beautiful oranges, rusts and golden colors used in autumn decorating, try bolder,cooler colors like burgundy, deep blue and classy black.
  • Hang a beautiful winter wreath on your front door - evergreen, a decorated straw or grapevine wreath. Probably one of the most beautiful and easy ways to dress up your porch for the winter.

winter decorations at Joni's home
Life in the country at Joni's Old Centennial Farmhouse
Can't get any finer than this...
I love the gorgeous drifts of snow...
and the beauty of her greenery and velvet bows

beautiful winter wreath

Pause for These Snowy Winter Scenes

The following photos are courtesy of edenseekr. We appreciate her generosity to share her photography with us.
wonderful big white farmhouse
Wonderful big white farmhouse

wonderful big white farmhouse
And a close-up of this farmhouse

Beautiful pink Victorian home in the snow
Beautiful pink Victorian home in the snow

Wonderful snowy yellow home
Wonderful snowy yellow home

beautiful yellow house in the winter
Wonderful snowy yellow home

wonderful gingerbread trim on this lovely house
It's all in the details

beautiful exterior trim work and porch railings
Intricate exterior trim and porch railings

Don't you love the size and shape of this fron porch?
Love the shape and style of this front porch

gorgeous snowy winter scene - spells home
Such a snowy winter scene

amazing paint and trimwork on this Victorian home
The paint details on this home make a lovely statement

Thanks again to Linda, aka edenseekr, for generously sharing her photos with us.

Try These Winter Decorating Ideas

kale in winter - beautiful idea for landscaping around your porch in the colder months

Consider planting decorative kale around your porch. Depending upon your growing zone, you might find this to be a spectacular showy plant from autumn until spring. Get more ideas for landscaping around your porch right here.

  • Cover your porch and swing cushions in a warmer, bolder fabric for winter. Alternatively toss a couple soft, plaid blankets over your chairs or porch swing. Granted, the blankets must be heavy enough to withstand windy winter days.
  • If you like to sew or quilt, make a simple wall hanging with a winter theme like red cardinals, pine cones, a snowman or snowflakes. If you're not into piecing quilt blocks, you could easily make a quick applique using fusible material or even glue.
  • Decorative flags or banners are a very quick way to add some winter pizzazz to your porch. You can find flags or garden banners with themes like "welcome winter", snowflakes, snow men, pine trees, pine cones, sleds, berries, branches or ice skates.
  • Decorate with interesting branches and sticks and incorporate little twinkle lights (although I'm not suggesting you make it look like Christmas!)
  • Have you seen those baskets that are flat on the backside and intended for hanging on a door or wall? One of those would be great for your front door, too. Fill it with evergreens, berries and pine cones spray painted with a little silver or white for extra sparkle.
  • Try decorating a winter snow shovel with bright ribbons and bunches of berries and raffia purchased at the craft store. Then prop it up near your front door as a winter decoration.

  • Winter Decorating
    Photo courtesy of Flowergardengirl

  • Fill heavy crocks with winter stems like pussy willows, branches and berries, real or artificial.
  • Purchase a heavy, thick, decorative outdoor floor mat for the front door, maybe in a winter red color. You can find some outdoor mats that look like a warm rug but actually are made of plastic fibers.
  • Something else I love is having electric candles in the windows on your porch. Nothing so warm as to see a soft glowing candle from inside your home. So welcoming and charming. One of our favorite winter decorating ideas.
  • Lighting is important and something that is often overlooked especially on your porch in the winter.
A pop of color brings your porch alive in the winter!

Remember, your porch can be inviting and colorful even in the winter. Ours is kept lively with a colorful piece of artwork that I painted for the wall and some fresh pillow covers.

Hint: We have a brick inside our pillow covers to keep our pillows from blowing off the chair in the winter.

We have even more winter decorating ideas.

Mary and Dave, Founders of Front Porch Ideas and More
Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches. You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.

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small rocking chair

Mary and Dave, Founders of Front Porch Ideas and More
Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches. You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.
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small rocking chair
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